Organic lunch in Rome

Ahhh Italy, the land of pasta, cheese and meat. And more pasta, cheese and meat, and then pizza. But are the ingredients sourced sustainably? And what about the veggies?
Traveling in Rome makes it difficult to find veggies on the go and most places weren't very helpful in knowing where there food came from. It was definitely not an episode of Portlandia. For people like ourselves who regularly eat vegetables at every meal it was difficult to reduce our intake to one serving of their goodness a day - minus what was puréed in our tomato sauce, no matter how good it may have tasted.
And then we found it, a diamond in the rough. Fa-bìo, a hole in the wall restaurant within a few blocks of St. Peter's Square. All organic, fresh bread,  raw veggies,  delectable dressing, and great service. The best part, was we felt full without the food hangover.
The movement is catching on.  Hopefully more restaurants will join in.


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